PMH in Quebec
In 2009 a merger of Groupes de médecine de famille (GMF, family medicine groups) and traditional network clinics resulted in rostering patients to newly formed multidisciplinary teams. Currently in Quebec there are three types of team-based care clinics:
Groupe de médecine de famille (GMF) is a group of doctors that works in collaboration with other health and social services professionals such as nurses or social workers. Patients seeking care at a GMF can receive medical services from their own family physician, from another family physician in the group, or from a nurse practitioner if their family physician is not available. Services can also be provided from any professionals of the GMF. To help promote quick access to primary care, all doctors affiliated with the same GMF have full access to the medical records of registered patients.
Groupe de médecine de famille universitaire (GMF-U; family medicine teaching unit) also offers team-based care from a range of health care professionals. In addition they serve as sites of education and training, mostly for residents but also for medical students and interns of other professions. GMF-Us are also staffed by doctors and other qualified professionals who see patients as needed.
Groupe de médecine de famille – réseau (GMF-R), also known as a super clinic, is a group of family doctors who work together and in close collaboration with other health professionals, such as nurses, to meet semi-urgent or simple urgent needs. The GMF-Rs are accessible to non-registered patients.
As of August 2022 there are 362 GMF, 39 GMF-U, and 51 GMF-R team-based clinics in Quebec.
Successful examples of practices operating as a PMH in the province
1815 rue King ouest, Suite 200
Sherbrooke QC J1J 2E3
3777 Jean Brillant St.
Montreal QC H3T 1M5
Phone: 514-734-2677
Fax: 514- 734- 2602
Tool Kit
Ready to get started? A tool kit for your province can be located here.