PMH in Newfoundland & Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador’s Collaborative Team-Based Care Clinic model (CTC) is an interdisciplinary primary health care team that provides a comprehensive range of services to meet the health care needs of individuals and communities. Clinics may include health care professionals such as physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and other allied health professionals such as social workers, pharmacists, and dietitians. CTCs were first established in the metro St. John’s region in 2020 as a step toward meeting the health care needs of residents who did not have access to a health home or a family doctor. Two new CTCs were established in the St. John’s region in 2022.
The Health Accord for Newfoundland and Labrador, released in 2022, stipulates creating approximately 35 new Community Teams to provide patient-centred, continuous, and comprehensive community care within the scope of care providers. Community Teams will be co-designed with Family Practice Networks (FPNs) or groups of family physicians who work together on family medicine initiatives within a given region. Community Teams and CTCs both build on the principles of the PMH and have been adapted to the context of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Successful examples of practices operating as a PMH in the province
The Health Sciences Centre
300 Prince Philip Drive, Room 2422
St. John’s NL A1B 3V6
Phone: 709 777 7918
Fax: 709 777 7916
57B Linegar Avenue, P.O. Box 13122, Station A
St. John’s NL A1B 4A4
Phone: 709 752 4300
Fax: 709 752 4302
100 Forest Road, 6th Floor, Southcott Hall
St. John’s, NL A1A 1E5
Phone: 709 777 6301
Fax: 709 777 8323
Tool Kit
Ready to get started? A tool kit for your province can be located here.