Physical space, staffing, electronic records and other digital supports, equipment, and virtual networks facilitate the delivery of timely, accessible, and comprehensive care.

All PMHs use EMRs in their practices and are able to access supports to maintain their EMR systems.
EMR products intended for use in PMHs are identified and approved by a centralized process that includes family physicians and other health care professionals. Practices are able to select an EMR product from a list of regionally approved vendors.
EMRs approved for PMHs will include appropriate standards for managing patient care in a primary care setting; e-prescribing capacity; clinical decision support programs; e-referral and consultation tools; e-scheduling tools that support advanced access; and systems that support data analytics, teaching, research, evaluation, and CQI.
Electronic records used in a PMH are interconnected, user-friendly, and interoperable.
Co-located PMH practices are in physical spaces that are accessible and set up to support collaboration and interaction between team members.
A PMH has the appropriate staff to provide timely access (e.g., having physician assistants and/or registered nurses to meet PMH goals).
A PMH has technology to enable alternative forms of care, such as virtual care/telecare.
Sufficient system funding and resources are provided to ensure that teaching faculty and facility requirements will be met by every PMH teaching site.
There is evidence from across Canada that the PMH model is making a difference. Visit our Evidence page to see it for yourself!
Choose Another Pillar

Improvement & Research

Professional Development

Accessible Care

Partnered Care

Continuity of Care

Team-Based Care


Connected Care

Tool Kit
Ready to implement the PMH Vision into your practice? Start here by downloading the starter tool kit.