PMH Success Story: Riverside Medical Centre

The Riverside Medical Centre opened its doors in June, 2017, with the aim to become a Patient’s Medical Home (PMH) for the residents of Drumheller and surrounding areas. The clinic uses a team-based approach and is focused on ensuring its operations are resourced with the most relevant infrastructure and technology. Patients have access to a primary care provider at all times, whether it be the physician or nurse practitioner. The clinic strives to provide access to all patients.
The Riverside Medical team seeks to implement health care reforms that will benefit their patients. The team constantly performs quality improvement using patient surveys and having a patient advocate as part of their staff.
Dr. Rithesh Ram—president, physician, and founder of Riverside Medical—adds, “we want patients to feel comfortable in our clinic, knowing that we are here to work with them to help them achieve health goals. We are here to work alongside them and not above them.”
“We aspire to be accessible to our patients, providing timely, quality access to health care when patients need it. We have a focus in proactive preventive care rather than reactive. Very simply, our job is to keep patients out of the hospital.”
Riverside Medical supports teaching in their practice by participating in research studies, hosting medical students/residents and nurse practitioner students, participating in programs such as Patients Collaborating with Teams (PaCT), and staying current in clinical practice guidelines. Riverside Medical is constantly integrating with the community through community groups including the Royal Canadian Legion, Rotary Club, and volunteering with Salvation Army and at local marathons. In addition to volunteer opportunities they host lunch and learns and participate in community fairs. “As a clinic team we participate in team building exercises, host dinners, themed parties and have created a comfortable office space for team members to relax, socialize and complete tasks,” says Dr. Ram. The clinic offers a welcoming atmosphere with large, themed patient care rooms that provide ample space for patients and their families, including a Disney themed room designated for pediatric patients, or families with kids.