PMH Self-Assessment Tool
The PMH Self-Assessment Tool will help evaluate the extent to which your practice aligns with the principles of the Patient’s Medical Home (PMH). Upon submission, the questionnaire will provide participants with actionable advice and links to resources that can help you better align your practice with the PMH.
The questionnaire takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. While this may seem like a lot of time, we invite you to see it as an investment in your practice. Completing the questionnaire can also be a great team building activity. The Tool lets you save your results and return later to check your progress.
There are 13 Core Requirements flagged within the PMH Self-Assessment Tool. If you do not fulfill the core requirements, your assessment will reflect that, and we will provide resources to help your team improve in these essential areas. Please pay special attention to the core requirement questions which are highlighted in blue.
Some questions will invite you to check all answers that apply to your practice. If none of the available answers apply to your practice, please leave the question blank. You will receive a mark of 0 for all questions left unanswered.